Brother Shankara, resident minister of the Vedanta Center of Atlanta, interviews author Devadatta Kali (David Nelson) about his two latest books, The Veiling Brilliance: Journey to the Goddess, and Svetasvataropanisad: The Knowledge that Liberates. Devadatta is also the author of In Praise of the Goddess: The Devimahatmya and Its Meaning. He has been a member of the Vedanta Society of Southern California since 1966.
Namaste! Thank you for your devotion, love, and intelligence.
Vedas are shrutis. You cannot write it in the book. The author says “regaining knowledge” which is inconsistent with Vedanta (you already are all knowledge, all Ishwara and knowledge is not somthing that can be “given”) . Shrutis cannot be captured in book. It is not meant for reading.
Rare to find such a humble scholar who has done such phenomenal work on an abstruse text.
Thank you, such an inspiring effort!