Summer 2019 – Issue 75

Sep 9, 2019 | Issues | 0 comments

Roots and Branches of American Vedanta

Perhaps you noticed we haven’t been heard from in awhile. Two editions were missed: Fall-Winter 2018-19 and Spring 2019. The reason is as simple and as complicated as this: We had a breakdown. Yet, as a wise old grandfather used to tell us kids, “Never complain, never explain.” So, none of that.

What follows is an abbreviated Summer 2019 issue — American Vedantist #75. Mother willing, our plan is to publish a complete Fall 2019 edition (AV#76) in November. 

Some of you may recall last summer’s announcement of the Swahananda Prizes for Short Story Contest (AV#74). We are unhappy to report this contest was not a success — neither with our own readership nor the wider literary world. Two worthy stories were submitted (regular readers will recognize the contributors); they are published in this issue.

Also included are a brief introduction to Swami Satymayananda, who joined the Vedanta Society of Southern California last December; an essay by Asim Chaudhuri on Transcendentalism and Vivekananda; book reviews of “See God with Open Eyes” by Swami Chetanananda, and “Holy Envy” by Barbara Brown Taylor; two poems; an invitation to help amend Wikipedia articles about Sri Ramakrishna and related subjects; two auspicious announcements: the 2nd edition of Swami Aseshananda Reminiscences, and the possibility of an intentional spiritual community for retired Vedantists; and a recollection of our late friend, Cliff “Bhuma” Johnson.

May you all be well and in bright spirits,
Br. Shankara, Coordinating Editor

Issue 75

Swami Satyamayananda in Southern California — a very brief introduction

Swami Vivekananda and American Transcendentalism: A Brief Review
by Asim Chaudhuri

By Name Alone
by Dharmadas (Jon Monday)

When Buddha Came to Pattaya
by William Page

Mourning in a Rose Garden
by Anna Monday

Song and dance
by Russell Atkinson

Review: See God with Open Eyes: Meditation on Ramakrishna

Review: Holy Envy: Finding God In The Faith Of Others

Wikipedia: Great Resource, with Some Flaws and Gaps
by Jon Monday

Second Edition of Swami Aseshananda Reminiscences Available Online
by Esther Warkov

Can an intentional community of retired Vedantists be started in Athens, Georgia?
by Br. Shankara

Bhuma (Cliff Johnson) left the body last fall

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