Summer 2020 – Issue 77

Devi Mahatmyam (Chandi) Chapter 11 Verses 30 and 31 30. ‘This slaughter that you, O Devi, multiplying your won form into many, have now wrought on the great asuras who hate righteousness, O Ambika, which other goddess can do that work? 31. ‘Who is there except you in...

Spring 2020 – Issue 76

He’s got the whole world in His hands … Well, if we needed a reminder that we never know what’s coming at us around the bend, isn’t this it?! As you know, the entire world is struggling to control a major pandemic — the first in more than a century. Like you, we’re...

Summer 2019 – Issue 75

Perhaps you noticed we haven’t been heard from in awhile. Two editions were missed: Fall-Winter 2018-19 and Spring 2019. The reason is as simple and as complicated as this: We had a breakdown. Yet, as a wise old grandfather used to tell us kids, “Never complain, never...

Summer 2018: The Swahananda Prizes for Short Story

Issue 74 American Vedantist is a not-for-profit online journal. We are working to develop Vedanta in the West, and to create a sense of connection among all of us who are on a path toward self-realization. To those ends, we are exploring ways in which Western forms of...

Spring 2018: The Roots and Branches of Vedanta in America

Issue 73 Vedanta’s roots in America are old, and have sunk deep into the cultural, intellectual, and spiritual thought currents of this nation. They can be found in the teachings of many spiritual traditions; in the work of musicians, writers, painters and artists in...

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