Holy Envy: Finding God In The Faith Of Others

Book Review HOLY ENVY: FINDING GOD IN THE FAITH OF OTHERS. (2019). BY BARBARA BROWN TAYLOR. NEW YORK, NY: HARPERONE. The following by Michael Gellert consists of selections from a larger, forthcoming review that will appear in Psychological...

See God with Open Eyes: Meditation on Ramakrishna

A short introduction from The Vedanta Society of St. Louis bookshop’s web page: This title raises several questions: Does God have a form? Can we see God as we see other objects and beings in this world? Can we hear or touch God? Ramakrishna answered these questions...

Wikipedia: Great Resource, with Some Flaws and Gaps

Review by Jon Monday For years I’ve used Wikipedia as a quick resource for information about a very wide range of subjects, from looking up what actors are in a favorite movie, to doing serious research for an article or lecture. In its early years, Wikipedia had...

Review: Swami Swahananda – A Profile in Greatness
 by Malay Das

Review by Br. Shankara

If you are curious about how Swami Swahananda lived and taught during the latter part of his life, this is a good book to read. It’s not a biography of the Swami, though it has a brief summary of his life following its Preface. Instead, Dr. Das offers a reverent and affectionate portrait, in both broad brush strokes and fine detail, of the doctor’s 17-year relationship with his beloved guru.

Heathen, Hindoo, Hindu – American Representations of India, 1721-1893

Review by Patrick Horn

The story of Hinduism in America typically begins with the cultural impact of Transcendentalism and Theosophy, the arrival of Swami Vivekananda at the 1893 World’s Parliament of Religions followed by other gurus such as Paramahamsa Yogananda, and finally the influx of South Asian immigrants after 1965.

Alasingha Perumal: A Rare Disciple of Swami Vivekananda

by Swami Tathagatananda Review by John Schlenck Book info: Vedanta Society of New York Paperback      $5.00    69 pp.     2014 This short biography of Swami Vivekananda’s South Indian disciple Alasingha Perumal will be of particular interest to Swamiji’s...

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