by Archarya Swami Lotus

Star of the SeaSixty years ago, a litany to Mary and a fifty-four day Novena were the only things bringing solace to a desperate teen. When both unexpectedly made a re-appearance last fall I was, rather than desperate, full to the brim with grace and gratitude. It seems the prayers took a long time to ripen, but ripen they did.

I decided to revisit those pleas to Mary and discovered an enhanced understanding and a much freer relationship with these vehicles of solace. I made them my own by editing both the litany and the graces — keeping what spoke to my heart, bringing these old prayers alive in ways meaningful to me today, not hesitating to leave behind anything non-resonant. I was left with prayers that have healed an inner schism, re-opened my heart to Mary and the Divine Mother in all Her forms and names. The fullness of real freedom abounds when we make things our own. Or, when She makes things Her own through us.


Holy Mary, pray for us (say after each line)

Mother of Divine Grace
Mother Most Pure
Mother Inviolate
Mother Most Amiable
Mother of Good Counsel

Virgin Most Venerable
Virgin Most Powerful
Virgin Most Merciful
Virgin Most Faithful

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary
Queen of Peace

Mirror of Justice
Seat of Wisdom
Cause of our Joy
Spiritual Vessel
Gate of Heaven
Morning Star
Comforter of the Afflicted
Mystical Rose

Star of the Sea, have mercy on me

These are the graces prayed for in the Novena:

Acceptance of Divine Will
Divine Grace
Detachment from the World
Singleness of heart
Purity of Heart and Mind
Obedience to Divine Will
Divine Peace
Patience in Adversity
Love of our Enemies
Union with the Absolute
Freedom from Fear
Inner Stillness

Acharya Swami Lotus leads WaterMoon Refuge in Atlanta GA. She is a monk trained in the traditions of Advaita Vedanta and Zen Buddhism. WaterMoon’s wisdom and teachings center on stillness—the simple core of all spiritual traditions—and are applicable to all. Contact her at

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