Mourning in a Rose Garden

A Very Short Non-fiction (as Possible) Short Story by Anna Monday Bare-handed, I was puttering in the rose garden one morning when I saw a really large locust-type plant-eating unit of pestilence on one of my beloved roses. Recently, one had…in a single...

Holy Envy: Finding God In The Faith Of Others

Book Review HOLY ENVY: FINDING GOD IN THE FAITH OF OTHERS. (2019). BY BARBARA BROWN TAYLOR. NEW YORK, NY: HARPERONE. The following by Michael Gellert consists of selections from a larger, forthcoming review that will appear in Psychological...

See God with Open Eyes: Meditation on Ramakrishna

A short introduction from The Vedanta Society of St. Louis bookshop’s web page: This title raises several questions: Does God have a form? Can we see God as we see other objects and beings in this world? Can we hear or touch God? Ramakrishna answered these questions...

Song and dance

by Russell Atkinson O to hear Sri Ramakrishna sing!What supernal joy that would bring,To see the radiant face with beaming eyes,As Hari OM! Hari OM Tat Sat he cries.Devas and apsaras would gather roundEnraptured by His mantra’s sound.  O to see the Master dance,In the...

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