by William Page I never met John, but had lots of e-mail correspondence with him when I was contributing to AV and he was the editor. I believe Swami Yogeshananda has said it all, and there’s nothing I can add, except that he was an unusually understanding,...
New York • August 7, 2015 by Bill Davis John Schlenck was one of the finest human beings I have ever known. John lived the life of a monk but lived this life without formal vows. He was a picture of the virtues and practices taught by the Ramakrishna Order as the...
by William Conrad I have known John Schlenck since 1958 when he first came to the center. To those of us who were here earlier, he was the baby of the group. Time in its flight has reduced us to Courtenaye Olden, Luz Cordero in Santa Fe and me as spokesman. All my...
by Diane Crafford Words are by their very nature limiting, and mine in particular can do little justice to what John Schlenck meant to the Vedanta Center of New York over the course of more than fifty years. I know that both Swami Pavitrananda and Swami Tathagatanda...
by Joanne Kilgour Dowdy I looked around me while I was on my prayer seat, and suddenly remembered that John Schlenck was no more on this planet. This was the first time that I realized how many gifts had been bestowed on me by this “monk” who I met at the Vedanta...
by Susan Salm When I first came to the Vedanta Center at the beginning of 1968, one of the first people I met was John Schlenck. John was then—as he has always been—friendly, warm, gentle and modest…. At that time, over 43 years ago, he had already been living at the...
John Schlenck: A Personal Reflection by Br. Shankara (Gary Kemper) Interim Coordinating Editor, American Vedantist Resident Minister, Vedanta Center of Atlanta John Schlenck was a great devotee of Ramakrishna-Holy Mother-Vivekananda Vedanta, deeply committed to its...
Issue 69 Religion and spirituality are more easily understood in the context of lives that have been lived. Even lives that are less than perfect can shed light and give helpful hints for the spiritual journey. In this issue we share accounts and reminiscences of...
by Anna and Jon Monday Christopher Isherwood is a multifaceted character, each facet with its own fan base. While most popularly known as a celebrated writer, the creator of the source materials for some blockbuster musicals and films, and a vanguard of gay rights...
From the Monastery Notebook of Swami Yogeshananda [Posted by permission of the author.] Swami Shraddhananda, born in East Bengal (now Bangladesh) in 1907, was a disciple of Swami Shivananda, a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. He joined the Ramakrishna Order in 1930...