Jun 10, 2010 |
By John Schlenck From before the time of Swami Vivekananda, it has been a truism for many, both in East and West, that India represents and embodies spirituality and the West represents and embodies materialism. That is, the core values and goals of Indian civilization are spiritual, and the core values and goals of the West are materialistic. This was Swami Vivekananda’s own conviction, broadly stated.
Jun 1, 2010 |
By Gopal Stavig There are an amazing number of similarities between the humanitarian social ideas presented by Swami Vivekananda and those taught by the contemporary liberation theologians. Liberation theology is a movement arising out of Latin America and other third world countries, focusing on liberating people from poverty and oppression. This radically new approach to theology begins with the poor classes of the third world, and recognizes God and the Church’s presence in their struggle to throw off subjugation.
May 12, 2010 |
By William A. Conrad. In this article I intend to give one Westerner’s view of the teachings of Swami Vivekananda. I do not claim that my view encompasses the whole of the wide-ranging thoughts of the Swami, nor does it capture all of the most important statements he made. I have included quotes from Western thinkers to show both the parallels and the compatibility of his ideas with the thought of the West.
May 1, 2010 |
A Play by Bill Davis It is early morning, August 28, 1899. Swamiji and Swami Turiyananda have just docked in New York City. They are met by Miss Maud Stumm, a young artist who has come down from Ridgely Manor…
May 1, 2010 |
Our Spring and Summer issues (2011) will be devoted primarily to discussing Swami Vivekananda’s (Swamiji’s) work in America. Quote from Vivekananda or anyone else as you wish, but we’re especially interested in what you believe, based on what you have read, or heard from others with whom you have discussed American Vedanta.
Apr 25, 2010 |
By David Nelson In 1893 in Chicago, Illinois, spiritual and religious leaders met together for the first truly global interfaith gathering, the World’s Parliament of Religions. One hundred years later the Vivekananda Vedanta Society of Chicago set out to commemorate that momentous event…
Apr 25, 2010 |
Before projecting what we think Vivekananda might have wanted for the United States, it behooves us to look at what he thought about it when he was alive. What did he regard as our strengths, and also our weaknesses, and where did he feel we should be heading?
Apr 23, 2010 |
Compiled by Bhaveshananda. “There is a chance of Vedanta becoming the religion of your country (the United States) because of democracy. But it can become so only if you can and do clearly understand it…
Apr 15, 2010 |
“There is a chance of Vedanta becoming the religion of your country because of democracy.” That’s how Swami Vivekananda envisioned the future of Vedanta in the USA.
Jan 1, 2010 |
Sri Ramakrishna said: “As long as the slightest trace of ego remains, one lives under the jurisdiction of the Adysakti. One is under Her sway. One cannot go beyond Her.”