The Mighty Metaphor

by Russell Atkinson The Fog Warning by Winslow Homer “Mother! Mother! My boat is sinking here in the ocean of this world. Fiercely the hurricane of delusion rages on every side! Clumsy is my helmsman, the mind: stubborn my six oarsmen, the passions: into a pitiless...

A Mountain Sutra

by William Page Mountains are often a source of religious insight.  Many sages and rishis have lived there. So there ought to be a mountain sutra.  If there were, it might go like this: Photo by Jen Loong on Unsplash The religious quest is...

Girish, the Divine Drunkard

by Bill Davis Swami Vivekananda:  There is no sweetness but He.  Thus says Yajnavalka.  When you come to that state and look upon all things with the same eye, when you see even in the drunkard’s pleasure in drink only that sweetness, then you have got...

The Healing Journey of Vedanta, a Meditation

by Sister Judith Thackray The healing principles of nondual Vedanta have guided me most of my adult life. I was an undergraduate student in philosophy and fine art—widely reading in both ancient and modern philosophy, when I first encountered these healing principles...


From the Bottomless to Limitlessness by Nilotpal Sanyal  From the bottomless to limitlessnessYou and I fly togetherInside and outside timeTouching the sky, touching the airThrough ages and eons, We fly together.  We are together in the shy light of the...

The Great Correction

by Eliza Gilkyson This extraordinary song was released in 2008. It may be more relevant now than it was then. Authors Naomi Klein and Charles Eisenstein, and filmmaker Michael Moore, among others, believe we are indeed at the beginning of a major, worldwide...

Vedanta In and Beyond the College Classroom

by Barbara Brown Taylor When I began teaching world religions at Piedmont College twenty years ago, it did not take long to realize that the students and I would have to escape the classroom sooner instead of later. The maps and timelines in our textbook led us...

Christopher Isherwood & the Monastery Part 2

by Anna Monday “How delightful religion used to be—in the days when I wasn’t doing anything particular about it!”1 Christopher Isherwood, September 1943 Christopher Isherwood & Swami Prabhavananda, Copyright Vedanta Society of Southern California All...

The Legend of Shiwido

by Sofia P. Webber Valeria is 13 years old and is very talented with numbers, statistics — and she has a very special skill. She can communicate with animals.  Her dream is to go to the Amazon, the only place in the world where you can still see rainbows and...

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