See God with Open Eyes: Meditation on Ramakrishna

A short introduction from The Vedanta Society of St. Louis bookshop’s web page: This title raises several questions: Does God have a form? Can we see God as we see other objects and beings in this world? Can we hear or touch God? Ramakrishna answered these questions...

Song and dance

by Russell Atkinson O to hear Sri Ramakrishna sing!What supernal joy that would bring,To see the radiant face with beaming eyes,As Hari OM! Hari OM Tat Sat he cries.Devas and apsaras would gather roundEnraptured by His mantra’s sound.  O to see the Master dance,In the...

When Buddha Came to Pattaya

by William Page In Thailand they tell the tale of a resort town steeped in moral squalor and the Buddha who came to save it.  In olden times, Pattaya was a sleepy fishing village on the Gulf of Thailand.  But over the years it became a beach resort, crowded...

Bhuma (Cliff Johnson) 
left the body last fall

Bhuma was a long-time supporter of Vedanta West Communications, and a contributor to American Vedantist We are sorry to let you know about the passing of another long-time devotee and friend — Cliff (Bhuma) Johnson. Cliff was born on November 12, 1930 in Los Angeles....

Wikipedia: Great Resource, with Some Flaws and Gaps

Review by Jon Monday For years I’ve used Wikipedia as a quick resource for information about a very wide range of subjects, from looking up what actors are in a favorite movie, to doing serious research for an article or lecture. In its early years, Wikipedia had...

By Name Alone

by Dharmadas (Jon Monday) I found a teacher who knows God, I asked how he attained that state He replied, By the silent repetition of the Name. Buffeted and pained by a broken world, I asked my teacher how to find peace He replied, By the constant repetition of the...

Summer 2018: The Swahananda Prizes for Short Story

Issue 74 American Vedantist is a not-for-profit online journal. We are working to develop Vedanta in the West, and to create a sense of connection among all of us who are on a path toward self-realization. To those ends, we are exploring ways in which Western forms of...

The Swahananda Prizes for Short Story

The Swahananda Prizes for Short Story is a new short story competition. Our online journal, American Vedantist, is the sponsor; members of our Editorial Board will serve as judges. Entries must be received no later than Saturday, October 27, 2018. We will choose six winning stories, which will be published in late January 2019 (AV #76). To understand what we’re looking for, please read the accompanying note, What’s a “Spiritual” Story?

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