How I Came to Vedanta

…believe. She prayed for me without immediate result. In the long run I did come to believe but she lost her faith and became a Communist. It’s as if she had enough faith for only one person and it went to me. Hopefully she has regained her faith. I married right after college, but soon felt marriage did not provide the solution to the quest for meaning in life. Also, graduate school was not particularly to my liking, but I was trapped there by the…

Christopher Isherwood and Vedanta

…; and his reverence for the shrine, the ritual worship, and the relics may come as a complete surprise. Learning about his role and the impact Vedanta had on his writing is made easy by the tremendous cache of self-revelatory works he has left behind including essays, lectures, novels, his diaries, and the autobiographical My Guru and His Disciple, which affords us the luxury of gathering information from firsthand accounts. Click on the link to a…

Second Edition of Swami Aseshananda
 Reminiscences Available Online

…all there, along with deep spirituality and inspired teaching.”  Read the complete review in American Vedantist. The online publication includes historic photos, a broadcast video interview with Swami Aseshananda, The Lotus and the Flame: Monastic Teachings of Swami Aseshananda, letters, and other archival material. Watch a short introductory video about the new edition and read on the Vedanta Writings page. To contribute or add to an existing re…

Mahatma-to-be and the Mahatma-maker: Gandhi and Rajchandra

…: “These qualities can exist only in a man of self-control. A man cannot become free from attachments by making a show of being so. That state is a state of grace for the atman,… and it may be won only after a ceaseless effort through many lives… the Poet made me feel that that this state of freedom from attachment was spontaneous to him”8 Although Gandhi first said that “this state of freedom from attachment was spontaneous to him,” he added ri…


Free downloads of past print issues of American Vedantist in Adobe PDF format: Volume 15, No. 4 – Winter 2010 Volume 15, No. 3 – Fall 2009 – Focus: Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi Volume 15, No. 2 – Special Edition 2009 – Focus: Vedanta in the Americas Volume 15, No. 1 – Spring 2009 Volume 14, No. 3 – Winter 2009 Volume 14, No. 2 – Fall 2008 Volume 14, No. 1 – Summer 2008 Volume 13, No. 4 – Winter 2008 – Focus: Reaffirming Our Goals Volume 13, No. 3…

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