Song: Ramakrishna, Be My Friend

…A song by John Schlenck. Download a printable PDF file. JOHN SCHLENCK, a composer of music, is Associate Editor of American Vedantist and Secretary-Treasurer of Vedanta West Communications. He is a resident member and Secretary of the Vedanta Society of New York….

Swami Vivekananda and American Transcendentalism: A Brief Review

…rception, and by inference therefrom, and from testimony of people who are competent. By “people who are competent,” the Yogis always mean the Rishis, or the Seers of the thoughts recorded in the scriptures—the Vedas.”17 Swamiji was reiterating the importance of yogic practices expounded by sages like Patanjali. By practicing the teachings of these “competent people” we can attain the state of realization, which goes beyond reason, or inference, o…

Was Swami Vivekananda a Pragmatistβ€”a la William James?

…s are open to revision as a result of new, emerging information. Here’s an example of how the pragmatic method works. The example is not what James would have called a “metaphysical dispute”, but it carries all the elements of James’s philosophy of Pragmatism. Around 1700, Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727) concluded that light was a group of particles (corpuscular theory). That was considered to be the truth until in the early 19th century when Thomas…

The Roots of Vedanta in America

study of religions, Priestley is lauded today as a major precursor to the modern Comparative Religion movement. His Comparison inspired other Enlightenment thinkers, such as John Adams, and it was read by Thomas Jefferson. Priestley apparently had extensive libraries both in Europe and America. Although translations of Vedic scriptures were largely unavailable in America at the turn of the 19th century, except through European sources, Priestley’…

Christopher Isherwood & the Monastery Part 2

…Ibid. Ibid. 316 [↩] Ibid. 352 [↩] Ibid. 363 [↩] [↩] An overlapping but different account The History and Impact of the Swami Prabhavananda – Christopher Isherwood Bhagavad Gita Translation by Jon Monday can be read at the American Vedantist website June 15, 2018. [↩] Ibid. 328-30 [↩] Christopher Isherwood, The Wishing Tree, ed. Robert Adjemian, (Harper & Row) 1986, 182-183. [↩] Isherwood, Diaries, Volume One…

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