by Bhagirath Majmudar


Starting its journey from Beyond Eternity,
Lighting up the stars, the moon and the Sun,
Traveling through many a Light Year,
Let Thy Light finally meet my eyes,
And enter my soul …..

Even with my eyes shut or lost,
The eyeless vision can mute all reasons
And Thy light can search out my soul
Even from this vast, unbounded space …..

Your light can traverse through my body
Even with all its apertures tightly shut,
But the heart is open, ajar for the light
To painlessly pierce my soul ……

The Light meeting its soulmate
Will unleash a gush of ecstasy,
Lightening the load of life from
Conditional joys and laughters.

Lamps lighting other lamps and yet Staying
undiminished, glowing steadfast in stead
Showing oneness of all objects,
One Light, seven colors in its spectrum.

God, please say let there be Light
So that there is light
To keep ALL paths to you Alight.

Bhagirath Majmudar is a founding member of  the Vedanta Center of Atlanta. He is emeritus Professor of Surgical Pathology, and Obstetrics-Gynecology at Emory University School of Medicine, and received several prestigious awards for teaching at Emory. Bhagirath has several publications in prose and poetry, in Vedantic and other fields.  As a Hindu Priest, Bhagirath has a passion for the Sanskrit language and has officiated about 400 weddings, mostly Interfaith. Bhagirath says, ”Only Vedanta can lift me to to a height beyond sky, as in this poem.” He can be reached at

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