by Br. Shankara
May 9, 2020

Ma and Pa in Georgia
After we have finished worshipping Her
in our shrine on a Saturday or a Tuesday,
Sri Sarada slips out of Her red-bordered
sari and puts on a simple house dress.
Then, you may find Her in the kitchen
of their North Georgia hill country cabin,
chopping vegetables, soaking kidney beans
for chili or red beans and rice, or skinning
the fish that Rakhal catches in a nearby pond.
He doesn’t live with Ma and Pa. The Master
has Him busy working all over the world —
maybe you’ve heard of his adventures
in Hollywood, California and in Brazil!
Sometimes though, if you’re lucky, you’ll
find Mother out on their front porch, pickin’
a lively tune on Her banjo and watching
the Master and Ramana Maharshi dance.
Br. Shankara has served as Resident Minister of the Vedanta Center of Atlanta (GA) since August of 2010. Previously, he was an active member of the Vedanta Society of Southern California for 37 years. He can be reached at