A Tribute to John

by Linda Prugh John Schlenck contributed so much to Vedantists in America and to the Ramakrishna Order. His musical compositions, which use western and eastern instruments and themes, help to establish a beautiful spiritual atmosphere for meditation. One splendid...

2016 Winter-Spring: Remembering John Schlenck

Issue 70 For 55 years, John Schlenck lived in monasteries led by monks of the Ramakrishna Order of India — more than 53 years at the Vedanta Society of New York and nearly two years at the Vedanta Center of Atlanta. Born in Indianapolis, Indiana on March 9, 1936, John...

John Schlenck : A Life of Dedicated Service

by Swami Tathagatananda Our dear brother John Schlenck led an ideal life. This ideal and dedicated life created a deep impact on all our minds. I do not know how he came in contact with Vedanta, but after finishing college, he came to this Society at the age of...

Deification of the World

by Joan Shack Deification of the world is an ancient Upanishadic teaching: “Whatever exists in this universe is to be covered with the Lord.” Swami Vivekananda reinvigorated this teaching by defining practical Vedanta as service of God in man within society. “The...

John Schlenck, My Spiritual Brother and Exemplar

by Pravrajika Gayatriprana I met John for the first time on January 4, 1969, when I attended the Sunday service at the Vedanta Society of New York headed by Swami Pavitrananda. John’s family was Unitarian and at the time I met him he certainly had the kind of...

Considering John’s Legacy

by Jon & Anna Monday Freedom and courage come to mind when considering John’s legacy. We came to know him through American Vedantist, a courageous enterprise and a unique outlet that offers a home for often unorthodox ideas freely expressed to a readership already...

A Glimpse of John’s Service in the Days Before His Passing

by Esther Warkov On the same day John Schlenck’s passing was announced, a letter he’d written arrived in the mail. His letter illustrates just one of the many ways John extended himself to support Vedantists over the decade we were acquainted. In this instance, he was...

I Was Graced with Having John in My Life

by Katherine Durant As an attorney with my own law practice, I’m mostly busy and preoccupied with the “vicissitudes of this life.” But my heart’s desire is for music – listening to it and making it myself. I accept my dharma that I must be a lawyer-warrior in the...

My Farewell to Beloved John Schlenck

by Uma Majmudar That Sunday morning of January 25th 2015, John sang and played the piano, that afternoon he taught his music class, and that evening, he breathed his last! All of this happened so rapidly, everyone here was numb with shock and dumb with grief to hear...

John’s Talent and Faith Put to Good Use

by Bobby Miller I began attending Sunday services at the Vedanta Society of New York in 2002. Swami Tathagatanandaji’s impassioned sermons inspired me to learn more about Vedanta: so, in the small bookstore at the rear of the chapel, I bought a few items, among them...

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