Summer 2018: The Swahananda Prizes for Short Story

Jul 27, 2018 | Issues, The Swahananda Prizes | 0 comments

Swami Swahananda

Swami Swahananda

Issue 74

American Vedantist

is a not-for-profit online journal. We are working to develop Vedanta in the West, and to create a sense of connection among all of us who are on a path toward self-realization. To those ends, we are exploring ways in which Western forms of art express this spiritual quest. Therefore, we are sponsoring:

The Swahananda Prizes for Short Story

This is a new competition. To understand why it is called The Swahananda Prizes, please read the material published with this invitation to enter your work.

Entries must be received no later than Saturday, October 27, 2018. We will choose six winning stories, which will be published in late January 2019 (AV #76). Winner of First Prize will receive $1,200. To get some sense of what we’re looking for, please read the accompanying note, What’s A “Spiritual” Story?

May you be well and in bright spirits,
Br. Shankara
Coordinating Editor

Issue 74

The Swahananda Prizes
Short Story Competition Details and Entry form plus What’s a “Spiritual” Story

Swami Swahananda and His Love for Books
by Amrita M. Salm, Ph.D.

Swami Swahananda: 1921-2012
by Ann Louise Bardach

Child and the Sage
by Subrata

Book Review: Swami Swahananda – A Profile in Greatness
 by Malay Das
by Br. Shankara

We look forward to hearing from you about this issue! Please let us know what you think via our Contact form, or post a comment below, after any article, or on our Facebook page.


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