Jan 16, 2018 |
by William Page
Devotees in the Ramakrishna tradition will be familiar with the rosary, or mala. This is a string of beads we use to keep track of how many times we chant the mantra when doing japa. Since the rosary has 108 beads, plus a head bead, one round of the rosary constitutes 108 repetitions. If you think about it, the rosary embodies some nice symbolism.
Jan 16, 2018 |
by Nalini (Edith Tipple)
I can hear him now,
my small and loving but fiery Bengali guru,
raising his voice for unequivocal direction:
“Keep your mind on your highest Ideal!”
Jan 16, 2018 |
by Richard Simonelli
Some faith traditions or organized religions are inherently interfaith or interspiritual in their intention. Most, however, tend to be separating or “one way” approaches – “my way or the highway.” The interfaith-friendly ways don’t necessarily encourage people to take a-little from here and a-little-from-there as eclectics or even as dilettantes.
Jan 16, 2018 |
by Patrick Horn
Many people today are alarmed by the condition of the world. The bad news seems to get worse by the hour. Not only is there social disorder and political mayhem, war and rumors of war, famine, unprecedented numbers of refugees, and contagious epidemics, but it is impossible to deny the fact of climate change.
Jan 16, 2018 |
by Joanna Macy
You live inside us, beings of the future.
In the spiral ribbons of our cells, you are here.
In our rage for the burning forests, the poisoned
fields, the oil drowned seals, you are here. You
beat in our hearts through late night meetings.
Jan 16, 2018 |
by Dhruva
I lived at the Belur Math for three years (1971 to 1974) and took advantage of the opportunity to learn Sanskrit. This became a gift that kept on giving — especially when I realized that half of all Bengali words derive from Sanskrit. The unexpected gift was that I soon was able to read Sri Ramakrishna’s words just as he spoke them in Bengali.