2017 Winter-Spring: Transitions

May 5, 2017 | Issues | 0 comments

Issue 71


Transition: When the In-Charge Passes
A meditation by Swami Yogeshananda

Swami Vivekananda and Adhikarawada
An explanation by Mangesh Buwa

Pray, Let Us Play
An invitation by Anna Monday

Old Age and the Grumpy Old Man Syndrome
Advice from William Page

Khudiram and Chandra Devi Are Chosen
A play about Sri Ramakrishna’s parents
by Bill Davis

The Grand Experiment
A poem about the eternal quest
by Viswanathan Rajagopalan

Mahatma-to-be and the Mahatma-maker:
Gandhi and Rajchandra

An excerpt from her new book by Uma Majmudar (part 1 of 2)

Contemplating the Yama Loka
A speculation by Bahut Pagal

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