Chaitanya’s Prayer: A Perfect Primer – Part II
By Br. Shankara Having celebrated the Lord’s omnipotence, liberality, and compassion, Chaitanya now speaks for the first time in the voice of the devotee. In three stunning lines the aspirant confesses…
Naren Meets Sri Ramakrishna at Dakshineswar
Excerpt from a dramatic reading written by Bill Davis and John Schlenck for the New York Vedanta Society’s Vivekananda Festival at Ridgely on July 4, 2010.

Chaitanya’s Prayer: A Perfect Primer – Part I
By Br. Shankara Chaitanya’s Prayer, as interpreted by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, is recited every morning in the temples, convents and monasteries of the Vedanta Society of Southern California, at Ridgely, and in other Vedanta centers in the U.S…. The Prayer calls forth the heart’s bliss, instructs the mind in how to overcome obstacles, and, in the voice of the spiritually awakening heart and mind, speaks lovingly and directly to the Divine within.
The Central Teaching of Bhagavad Gita
By Uma Majmudar The Bhagavad Gita has influenced, inspired and guided not only great thinkers, but even more ordinary and illiterate people around the world.
Introduced to Swami Vivekananda
By Swami Yogeshananda It was 1943 when I came upon a writing of Swami Vivekananda. We were four men encamped in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, out on a small plain enticingly called Poison Flat, when Joe Brown came by on horseback with the mules and our food and supplies for the coming week.
“Cross Country” Friend Is an Inspiration
By Joanne Kilgour Dowdy At 98, Mrs. Clementine Rigby (Clemmie) is energetic, sociable, wise, and faithful. She inspires a strong sense of confidence in a person like me who is looking for companionship with those who wish to follow a spiritual path.
By Cliff Johnson My guru, Swami Prabhavananda, was a direct disciple of Maharaj, as Swami always referred to Swami Brahmananda. In fact, in the more than twenty-five years that I knew Swami he never referred to his guru by any other name. And though Swami Brahamananda was known throughout the order as Maharaj, when Swami used it the name seemed to be given a special warmth and respectful familiarity…
Swami Brahmananda (Rakhal)
Sri Ramakrishna recognized Rakhal as his “spiritual son.” Ramakrishna said of him, “Know that Rakhal has intense renunciation. His father is rich; he does not go to him. He lives here, gathers fuel from the woods, and cooks his simple food.”